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Sitter. Born Anne Marie Chassaigne, (2 July 1869 – 26 December 1950) Liane de Pougy at she was later known, was raised in a nunnery.  At the age of 16 she eloped with a naval officer, became pregnant and married. When the marriage ended she took to the stage.  On her move to Paris she worked as a dancer at the Folies Begère where she became a  celebrated demimondaine, and renamed herself Pougy from the surname of one of her lovers, the Vicomte de Pougy. In 1910 she married Prince Georges Ghika and became Princess Ghika; this marriage ended in separation, though not divorce. After the death of her son in  World War I she turned her towards religion and she became a tertiary of the Order of Saint Dominic as Sister Anne-Mary. She became involved in the Asylum of Saint Agnes, devoted to the care of children with birth defects.


Georges Goursat (1863 – 1934) was a French caricaturist who signed his work “Sem.” who was working in Paris at the turn of the twentieth century. Goursat supported himself selling illustrations both humorous and serious to the French major periodicals of the day. He put together albums of caricatures depicting high society in Monte Carlo, Deauville, the Cote d’Azur, and Paris. all places that attracted many visitors. . His art is particularly associated with the Belle Epoque and his unique style of drawing brought him success and fame.


Pochoir Prints.

The printing method Goursat utilized is called pochoir. It was a technique of creating prints by applying color and line with cutout stencils. The technique was popular at the time as a way of adding colour to an image relatively cheaply, and would involve colour being hand painted onto an image with stencils, sometimes as many as thirty stencils being used.

Mme Liane de Pougy, SEM (George Goursat) - Framed Antique Print

SKU: 1093
  • Image Number: 1093
    Title: Mme. Liane de Pougy
    Artist: SEM (George Goursat)
    Medium: Lithograph

    Framed size (h x w): 615 x 487

  • To find out more, arrange a viewing or to purchase please email or get in touch via the contact form 

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